
Alongside the composition competition, the project also included a number of workshops aimed at different focus groups:

Kinderuni (14.07.2017)

Workshop held at the Kinderuni on  July 2017, with the collaboration of PhD candidates Stefan Noisternig and Christian Ebner, researchers at the Research Group Physics of Nanostructured Materials (Faculty of Physics), and part of the team of Dr. Rentenberger («Structural inhomogeneities in bulk metallic glasses»). 

physics:science@school (14.12.2017)

Interaktives Concert - Presentation at the Gymnasium Maria Regina in Vienna's 19th district. With the collaboration of Dr. Markus Hartmann («The influence of the coordination of crosslinks on the mechanical properties of polymers»and cellist Anna Maria Niemiec.

Frauen in der Technik (29.01.2018)

Workshop developed by computational physicists Carina Karner and Chiara Cardelli designed to be part of the FIT (Frauen in der Technik) program.

Junior Science Club (20.02.2018)

«Unleashing the energy of Glasses and Crystals» was the title o the workshop held at the University of Vienna for kids from the  Bernoullligymnasium by physicists Katharina Holzweber (research team Dr. Bogdan Sepiol) and Sabine Puchberger (research team Dr. Wilfried Schranz) and composer Adrián Artacho.

PlusLucis (27.02.2018)

Workshop held at the Faculty of physics together with Dr. Oleg Domanov with the title "Nanowelten selbst erforschen" within the program of the Lehrerfortbildungswoche. The presentation was followed by a visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Physics.

Sonification Workshop (22.03.2018)

In the context of a visit to the West Virginia University (USA), composer and project developer Adrián Artacho discussed with composition students of Prof. David Taddie different aspects of Sonification and the difficult enterprise of expressing scientific knowledge through music.

Lange Nacht der Forschung (13.04.2018)

Presentation of the project at the «Long night of  Research 2018» , together with physicists Shabbir Huzaifa and Oleg Domanov (research team Dr. Thomas Pichler) and composer Adrián Artacho.

MOCO Conference (28.06.2018)

Following the acceptance of a paper in the proceedings of the Movement and Computing Conferenceauthored by physicists Carina Karner and Chiara Cardelli (research team Dr. Christoph Dellago) and composer Adrián Artacho, we travelled to Genoa (Italy) to present a performance workshop informed by the FIT workshop held in February.